Bicycling Newsgroups
Newsgroups allow you to post messages to and read messages from a large group of cyclists all around the world. They are a great place for discussion and information; however, watch out for flamers, know-it-all's, and trolls.
rec.bicycles.* via Deja News
Browse the newsgroups, search the newsgroups, follow a thread, check someone's posts, and post into the newsgroups without using a newsreader.
Archives and FAQ Information and archives for rec.bicycles.
Here are four of the most popular newsgroups in English (there are many others). Clicking on the following url will open up the newgroup reader on some computers:
rec.bicycles.misc General cycling discussion.
rec.bicycles.rides Discussion of tours, rides, and routes.
rec.bicycles.soc Discussion of social issues. Discussion of technical issues.
Bikes, Bike Touring, and Bike Commuting
Adventure Cycling This pay-to-join touring organization sells maps of three east-west and four north-south routes across the US and also sells "The Cyclists' Yellow Pages," a good information source for touring.
The Bikecurrent FAQ Lots of data and info about bike lights, batteries, chargers, bulbs, and generators. Also (at a different location) Bikecurrent Reviews Reviews and evaluations of the same.
Bicycle Laws in the United States All the laws concerning bicycling by state, how to get the Uniform Vehicle Code, information about AASHTO and other laws and legislation.
Cadence 90 This interesting site combines bicycles with music with some politics. It's primary attractions, however, are the careful reviews of web sites. Visiting this site is an intelligent way to browse the web.
Icebike Home Page
If you want to ride your bike in the snow and to meet others who icebike also, here is the site
to visit.
John Faughnan recommends that a touring bike be used to commute to work. Here are his recommendations and links.
Peace Bike combines a bicycle touring trip with interviews and cultural exchanges between students in North, Central, and South America. Schools support the program with donations and a small fee, which can be waved. is compiling bike rides and routes from around the US. The information is very detailed, but it will take a lot of eager volunters to make this into a valuable resource. Send them your favorite rides.
Sheldon Brown's Bicycle FAQ
If you need advice about a hardware problem, this is the best place on the net to go to. There are also articles on touring and touring in France, humor, and various unusual topics and opinions. Over 70 articles in all.
Sheldon Brown's Bicycle Glossary This is much more than a simple dictionary; many of the
entries go into considerable detail about dimensions, specifications, etc., with extensive cross-references.
Travel to the Horizon (was Travel-by-Cycle) Has a clickable map of the world with accounts of trips in many countries and worldwide information about bicycle travel.
Travel with Bicycles (Air/Rail/Other)
How to take a bicycle on plane/train/etc. How to ride in/out of airports worldwide. Includes some touring links.
Transportation, Health, Safety, and Environment
Bicycling articles by John Allen (& guests) Advice and discussion on cycling in traffic issues, plus one each articles on New England ferries, tandem sprockets, and wheel tightening. John Allen is also the author of Street Smarts, a bicycle traffic safety publication which is now on the web.
BFA Internet Resource Center The electronic information center for bicycle and pedestrian advocacy and policy. This site focuses primarily on advocacy information that comes from Federal Government documents. Carfree cities past, present, and future. Presents solutions to the problem of the urban automobile.
Crash-Type Manual for Bicyclists This investigation into bicycle-motor vehicle crashes in a number of states helps us better understand bicycling safety issues.
Critical Mass is not an "org" but an unorganized coincidence, and there can be no official web site, but this is a link to a lot of unofficial pages. Many good articles and links and nformation about Critical Mass.
A Cyclists Rights Action Group (CRAG) CRAG was organized to fight mandatory helmet laws in Australia. Information and links about helmets and safety research plus links to other sites.
Daniel Convissor's Home Page "The Luddite with a web site," Daniel has "about 400 files on transportation advocacy matters" and focuses "on the promotion of walking, cycling and mass transit, plus ways to reduce motor vehicle use."
The Dansk Cyklist Forbund - Organisation has links or addresses to 85 bicycle advocacy groups around the world, the HPV Club of Denmark, touring, consumer, and political pages, and many other services. Much is written in English, but the local information is in Danish.
Dorothy L.
Robinson's Helmet Research Mandatory helmet laws did not have the expected results in Australia.
DOTBOT The U.S. Department of Transportation Web Index. This page allows you to search all the US DOT sites from one location.
The Evironmental Benefits of Cycling and Walking Note: the free Adobe Acrobat plug-in is required. This study is an attempt to calculate the amount of cycling and walking done and the reduction in motor vehicle pollution that results.
The European Cycling Federation Includes the following on-line publications: the European Cyclist, the Bicycle Research Papers (emailed to you in four languages, but the copies on the web site are in German), and downloadable ECF Position Papers in up to five languages. The site also has information about conferences, commuter organizations, and touring routes.
John Franklin's
Cycling Home Page John Franklin is a British authority on cycling skills and safety and the author of Cyclecraft, a detailed quide to riding on the pavement. His site includes a summary and reviews of his book plus a number of articles on bicycle traffic safety and planning.
Jym Dyer =o= Important Stuff Jym has a humorous web site, but more important, he has links to all kinds of environmental and activist groups.
Living Room Urban Ecology Webzine Most books and websites dealing with ecology and/or urban transportation problems are full of facts and figures; this site is full of touching personal accounts. Includes
The Bike People. -- The Oxon Cycling Report Dr. Harry Rutter has completed a study of the health advantages of increasing bicycling traffic in Oxfordshire, England. The report also summarizes progress made so far to encourage cycling throughout England. This is a clear discussion, with charts, facts and figures, and sources.
The ONTARIO COALITION for BETTER CYCLING is an umbrella group of Ontario cycling
organizations established to defend cyclists' rights and interests, and promote vehicular cycling education.
Pedalling Health
Medical research reveals sound reasons for cycling on a regular basis.
The Real Price of Gasoline A careful study of the hidden subsides and other costs of gasoline use, which if added to the price at the pump, would raise the cost of gasoline to between $5.60 (conservative accounting) and $15.14 (full accounting).
Road Kill -- How Solo Driving Runs Down the Economy by Stephen H. Burrington. A thorough
discussion of most the costs involved in operating an automobile in Boston, Mass. or Portland, Maine, including indirect and hidden costs that are passed on to the government and public at large.
Take Back Your Streets How to Protect Communities from Asphalt and Traffic. Community activism methods and road design methods to make roads safer and communities more suitable for walking, cycling, and living.
Transportation Alternatives, a member-supported NYC-area non-profit citizens’ group working for better bicycling, walking and public transit, and fewer cars. It supports safer, calmer neighborhood streets and car-free parks.
The Transportation Action Network: A Project of USEPA's Transportation Partners and Surface
Transportation Policy Project focusing on Federal Transportation Policy and Coummunity Action to make Our Communities Better Places to Live. Contains many articles -- over 300 with reference to cycling or bicycles.
Victoria Transport Policy Institute Many articles on transportation issues, some summarized, some in Adobe format, others that can be purchased.